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Disambig Это статья о Файл:Грибы (Aberration).png Грибы Aberration Icon, не путайте с Редкий Гриб Редкий Гриб
Aberration DLC Valguero DLC Genesis Part 1 DLC Crystal Isles DLC X mark Эта статья посвящена существу, предмету или особенности, эксклюзивному в DLC: Aberration, Valguero, Genesis: Часть 1, Crystal Isles, Ошибка! Lost Island неправильное DLC.
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Грибы это расходные материалы, которые можно собрать из различных мелких наземных грибов, найденных на Aberration. Как и Ягоды, грибы дают клетчатку, но их можно собирать только дважды. В отличие от ягод, большинство грибов дают только пищу (исключение составляют Водянистые грибы, которые выделяют небольшое количество воды за счет пищи), и каждый гриб обладает своими уникальными эффектом при употреблении. Едкие Грибы ведут себя как Наркоберри и могут использоваться вместо неё при создании Наркотика. Золотистые грибы ведут себя аналогично Стимберри (уменьшают оцепенение за счет воды), но их "нельзя" использовать вместо Стимберри при создании Стимулятора. Каждый гриб противостоит одной из уникальных опасностей, на карте Aberration.


Используйте Металлический Серп Металлический Серп для эффективного сбора грибов на Aberration.


Каждый Динозавр предпочитает определенный вариант пищи в качестве основного питания и приручения (за исключением семян растения Z).

Динозавр Предпочитаемый гриб
Лампадог Лампадог Водянистый Гриб (Aberration) Водянистый Гриб Aberration Icon
Светорог Светорог Сытный Гриб (Aberration) Сытный Гриб Aberration Icon
Яснокрыл Яснокрыл Золотистый Гриб (Aberration) Золотистый Гриб Aberration Icon
Лучехвост Лучехвост Едкий Гриб (Aberration) Едкий Гриб Aberration Icon*

* = Не накладывает оцепенение при приручении, но накладывает при кормлении.

Гриб, вызывающий споры[]

По всей карте есть различные опасные грибы, которые производят споры, воздействующие на персонажа Эффекты.

Гриб, вызывающий споры, можно отличить от любого другого гриба по небольшой разнице во внешнем виде. Ядовитый сорт даст Биотоксин и Редкий Цветок в качестве дополнительных ресурсов во время сбора урожая, как вручную, так и с помощью динозавра.

Пребывание под эффектом указанных спор повысит оцепенение даже после того, как вас вырубят. Обратный отсчет эффекта обновляется непрерывно, пока выживший не покинет облака спор.

Плодородный Красный Гриб[]

Mushroom with red stem

Red Mushrooms appear across the fertile (Green) region of the map as a hand pick-able items.

Poisonous variant of this mushroom can be identified by its red-root on the stem. This variant releases rainbow-colored cloud of Dizzy Spores when approached, causing the survivor to hallucinate with waves of rainbow lines in a trippy trance which causes extremely distortion of vision, constant defecation, and suffocation for 12 seconds.

The hallucination effect causes the survivor to start suffocating within a few seconds after exposure, causing significant loss of health. The 12 second duration is insufficient to cause death on its own, but it can be deadly if the survivor is already injured upon exposure, remains in the effect for some time, or has repeated exposures within a short period of time. The damage dealt by the suffocation effect is a percentage of maximum health, so the spore clouds are equally deadly to high-level survivors as low-level ones.

The hallucination effect can be prevented by consuming Aggeravic Mushrooms before contact with the spore cloud, or by wearing a full Hazard Suit. Consuming Aggeravic Mushrooms after one is already afflicted will reduce the duration by 1 second per mushroom consumed. Since the suffocation effect takes a few seconds to kick in, just a few Aggeravic Mushrooms consumed can cause a significant reduction in the amount of health lost, or negate the health loss completely.

D5992 D5992fea-8-b4371a761632 Poison Fertile

Bio Luminescence Cold Mushroom[]

Cold Mushrooms appears across the bioluminescence (Blue) region of the map as a hand-pickable items.

Poisonous variant of this mushroom can be identified by a darker blue coloration in the ring around the bottom of the mushroom. Note that in darker lighting (common in parts of the blue regions), the visual difference between the two can be very difficult to identify at a glance, so caution should be used when approaching any patch of these mushrooms. This variant releases cyan-colored cloud of Freezing Spores when approached, inflicting Hypothermia with rapid health loss (with disregard from hypothermic insulation) for 120 seconds.

This hypothermia will last for the duration of the debuff, and cannot be removed by heat sources. The health loss is relatively slow and generally insufficient to cause death on its own. The torpor gain is rather significant, however, and will result in unconsciousness for the survivor without significant amounts of Fortitude (60 Fortitude is just slightly insufficient to avoid unconsciousness before the end of the effect), though Stimberries or Auric Mushrooms can be consumed to negate the torpor gain at the cost of water. The damage dealt by the freezing effect is a percentage of maximum health, so the spore clouds are equally deadly to high-level survivors as low-level ones. The survivor will also have distorted vision and a strong blue coloration to everything, making navigation and threat identification significantly more difficult for the duration.

The freezing effect can be prevented by consuming Aquatic Mushrooms before contact with the spore cloud, or by wearing a full Hazard Suit. Consuming Aquatic Mushrooms after one is already afflicted will reduce the duration by 5 second per mushroom consumed, at the cost of significant amounts of food. Note that the food drain occurs over a long period of time, and eating normal food will not regenerate food while this drain effect is occurring, so starvation can also be a danger.

Cold Mushrooms

Example showing the two varieties of cold mushrooms. The mushroom closest to the camera is the poisonous version, identifiable by the darker blue ring around the base.

Poison Freezing

Element Branched Mushroom[]

Branched mushroom appears across the element (Red) region of the map regions of the map.

Much like the Fertile variant, poisonous variant of this mushroom can be identified by its red-root on the stem. This variant releases dull brown and purple-colored cloud of Element Spores, which forces constant defecation that results in rapid hunger loss at an alarming rate for 120 seconds. Once inflicted, the food will drop down very rapidly, which makes even Custom Consumable useless in this case.

Unlike the other two spores, this kind of spores are deadly, as there are no other known methods of countering against the spores. Added with the fact the mushrooms are more common around irradiated areas means the survivor should not even be around the area in the first place without full hazard protection.

The draining effect can be prevented by consuming Ascerbic Mushrooms before contact with the spore cloud, or by wearing a full Hazard Suit. Consuming Ascerbic Mushrooms after one is already afflicted will reduce the duration per mushroom consumed. Beware of the torpidity caused by consumption of Ascerbic Mushrooms, however, as they can quickly cause the survivor to fall unconscious (2 is sufficient to knock out a survivor with 0 Fortitude, and 5 will knock out a survivor with 60 Fortitude). The torpor gain can be countered by consuming Stimberries or Auric Mushroom, but this comes at the cost of significant amounts of water, so the survivor should ensure that they have on hand plenty of water sources such as Canteen.

Branched Mushroom

Both types of branched mushroom. The mushroom in the background is the poisonous version. Identifiable by the red base.

Poison Elemental


  • Aberration-exclusive mushrooms can be found in white, green and blue Beacons.
  • Most mushrooms are gathered primarily from mushrooms on the ground.
  • Mushrooms can be gathered faster using an animal. Animals that can gather berries can gather mushrooms at a similar level of effectiveness, making Trikes, Stegos, and Iguanodons very effective mushroom farming mounts.