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Ребенок родился. Ребенок убит. Ребенок на ужин. (Младенцы - хороший источник первосортного мяса)...
~ Drake on Маленькие Дино

Раптор и его потомство

Разведение является особенностью ARK: Survival Evolved, которая позволяет игрокам разводить улучшенных существ через беременность или несение оплодотворенных яиц. У яиц нет владельца, поэтому можно украсть яйца, отложенные динозаврами других выживших.

Новорожденные существа просто заклеймляются и не требуют обычных процессов приручения, связанных с дикими существами. Любой может претендовать на новорожденного. Это необходимо делать быстро, наряду с кормлением, так как младенцы могут быстро умереть от голода.

Breeding Mechanics

Подготовка спаривания

Первым этапом размножения является наличие двух разнополых существ одного вида для спаривания. Оригинальный, аберрантный и тек варианты динозавров считаются отдельными видами и как таковые не могут быть скрещивающимися. Они должны быть выведены со своим собственным оригинальным/аберрантным/тек вариантом. Большинство существ могут быть выведены; те немногие, которые не могут быть перечислены в нижней части этой статьи. Смотрите Неразводимые Существа для дополнительной информации.

Всегда будьте готовы к тому, что после инкубации/беременности родится более одного динозавра. Вероятность появления близнецов составляет 10%, а тройняшек - 2%.[1]

Требования к спариванию

Для того, чтобы существа успешно спаривались, оба пола должны быть:

  • в пределах спаривания друг с другом
  • в блуждании или включенном спаривании (блуждание или спаривание должно быть включено на обоих существах)
  • ни за чем не следовать (отключить следование обоими существам).
  • не перегруженными (существа не должны нести столько веса, что они не в состоянии двигаться).

Дистанция спаривания

Диапазон спаривания варьируется в зависимости от вида и слабо зависит от размера взрослого существа. Одним из распространенных подходов является строительство загона достаточно маленького размера, чтобы блуждающие животные не выходили за пределы диапазона спаривания друг с другом, однако этот метод устарел после появления секции кругового меню "Включить спаривание". В этом режиме животные не пытаются перемещаться и всё замечательно.


Когда все вышеперечисленные условия выполнены, над головами спаривающихся существ появляется значок бьющегося сердца, а на самке HUD появляется полоса для спаривания (посмотрите на самку, чтобы она открыла HUD). HUD также указывает, с каким существом они спариваются. Убедитесь, что спаривающиеся животные остаются близко друг к другу, так как в противном случае спаривание прекращается. Из-за запаздывания сервера и игровой механики, полоска спаривания не постоянно обновляется в режиме реального времени. Кроме того, спаривание нескольких самок с одним самцом в одно и то же время может сделать это еще хуже. Рекомендуется проявлять терпение, так как полоса изменяется прыжками.

После завершения спаривания самки яйцекладущих дают одно оплодотворенное яйцо, и у самок млекопитающих начинается беременность.

Если на сервере или в племени слишком много прирученных дино, то пара откажется спариваться до тех пор, пока не появится свободное место.

В случае Королевский Грифон Королевского Грифона, он будет спариваться только с другим полом с похожей фамилией.

Интервал Ожидания Спаривания

Самки не могут спариваться до тех пор, пока не пройдет интервал ожидания спаривания (Криозаморозка не влияет на интервал спаривания). Этот интервал указан на их HUD. Для млекопитающих интервал ожидания спаривания начинается только после завершения их беременности. Самцы могут спариваться в любое время.


Основная статья: Инкубация

The fertilized egg itself only begins Incubation when dropped into the world, not in Inventory. When dropped, a Fertilized Egg must be kept at a certain temperature range depending on the species (this also factors in insulation). If outside of this temperature range, incubation won't make progress, and it loses "Fertilized Egg Health" over time and is destroyed if this reaches zero. This is all indicated on the HUD when looking at a Fertilized Egg, along with its Parents.

If there are too many tamed dinos in the server or in the tribe, the egg will continue to incubate with no timer information, but letting it hatch will not yield a baby.

Managing Temperature

The best method to ensure eggs are at an appropriate temperature for incubation is through insulation. Use one or more Air Conditioner Air Conditioner, Dimetrodon Dimetrodon, Kairuku Kairuku or Otter Otter. Six Air Conditioner Air Conditioner should work for all eggs but eight is ideal for when there is a heat/cold storm. You might need up to 14 Air Conditioners for larger eggs such as the Giganotosaurus Giganotosaurus, or the Wyvern Wyvern in Scorched Earth or Ragnarok. The Rock Drake Rock Drake in Aberration requires at least 15 Air Conditioners due to its very cold incubation requirement. Whereas the Deinonychus Deinonychus from Valguero needs a rough 23 Air Conditioners in the snow because of its extreme heat required.

Another way is to tame a handful of Dimetrodon Dimetrodon. These seemingly useless finned creatures are actually one of the best sources of insulation in the entire game. The higher their melee damage, the higher their insulation bonus is; at ~1000 melee damage, it can even raise wyvern eggs. The insulation effect stacks with other Dimetrodons, so if one isn't enough to do the job, try two, or three, or more. Far cheaper to maintain than the expensive air conditioners, these guys are mobile and only need meat, compared to the stationary air conditioner that also needs electricity to run. However, everything has its drawbacks: the Dimetrodon is slow and hard to transport on foot; they are hard to tame due to where they spawn and their fast torpor drop. However, it is worth the risk, especially on Aberration, where Rock Drake Egg Rock Drake Egg would normally require many air conditioners.

At the beginning of the game, when the Air Conditioner or Dimetrodon are not yet available, use a heat source to regulate the egg's temperature. Standing Torch Standing Torch, Torch Torch, Campfire Campfire and Industrial Cooker Industrial Cooker work well. However, they all have the downside of providing negative Heat Tolerance, making careful management necessary, or going to colder areas to make the gap between cold resistance and heat resistance bigger. You may need four or more torches, depending on the biome and the egg.

Since temperature gradients can be very extreme between regions, easily reaching 20 °C or more, you can try and find a nearby biome where the temperature is closer to the eggs' ideal point; this is usually in the biome that spawned the creature. Early in the game, it is easier to find a biome that is too cold (e.g. near the coast) and heat the egg with torches, rather than trying to cool down a hot biome.

As Fertilized Eggs don't lose Egg Health in an inventory, and spoil incredibly slowly, you can keep them in your Inventory or in a preserving bin/refrigerator until able to achieve the appropriate temperature needed for Incubating. This can be very useful if you settled in a region with extreme temperatures as it's especially difficult to cool an egg in a hot biome without an air conditioner when it gets too hot.


During gestation, females can consume up to twice the amount of food they would normally. Ensure the expectant mother has access to plenty of food during gestation to avoid losing the baby.


Babies are born unclaimed, so a survivor must "claim" them immediately after birth by getting close to them, looking right at them, and pressing the "use" key (e, Xbox: Y, PS4: Triangle) to imprint them, otherwise they can be claimed by other survivors. The only exception is the Reaper King Reaper King, which can only be claimed by the survivor who "gave birth" to it; no other survivor including the birthgiver's tribe mates can claim it.

Warning: Pets set on aggressive attack unclaimed creatures as soon as they are hatched/born. Whistle "Passive" or claim babies quickly to avoid this. Also Tek Shields will 'shunt' unclaimed babies out of their radius.

As of 264.5, Auto Turrets and Plant Species X set to "Players and Tamed Creatures" will NOT attack unclaimed creatures after they are hatched/born. You can safely place turrets inside a hatching pen without fearing for babies' lives.

If babies are not very promptly claimed and then fed they can quickly die from hunger.

Caring For Babies

Young animals take significant time and intensive care, especially during the "Baby" stage; if you're busy, don't breed your animals right away. Most animals on stock server settings will require the better part of a weekend to raise. You can keep fertilized eggs in a Preserving Bin Preserving Bin or Refrigerator Refrigerator, but beware they will eventually spoil. This is, of course, not an option for live birth animals, so make sure to time the mating appropriately.

New babies are set to wandering, and following the nearest survivor if one is within a reasonable range, so survivors will probably want to disable these settings. New babies have extremely low health, carrying capacity and food, so survivors need to carefully feed and take care of them in their first moments of life, or they'll soon die. The creature must be fed by adding food to their inventory. Once they reach 10% of their maturation, Juvenile, they can eat from a Feeding Trough Feeding Trough to ensure the creature has a sufficient food supply. The maturation progress is shown when looking at the creature.

Babies dynamically gain more HP, food capacity, and carrying capacity as they mature over time. They need lots of food because the babies eat very quickly, so stock up beforehand while the mother is pregnant/the egg is hatching.

Babies are not mountable and flee from fights. Mounts that can carry creatures (e.g. the Argentavis Argentavis) can carry babies, which allows you to quickly reposition the little ones if needed.

It takes a long time for babies to mature; breeding should only be attempted if you or your tribe have the time. As the baby grows, you will be able to leave the baby alone for longer and longer periods of time. One good use of a survivor's time at this stage might be crafting kibble for imprinting. If you will be imprinting, the baby might request any of 6 different kibbles (on PC and Console) or 15 different kibbles (on Mobile), so make sure you have them on hand.

Caring for Baby Carnivores

Baby carnivores are especially difficult to raise as it takes a minimum of 48 real hours to mature them, and a half stack of meat spoils every 13.3 real hours (20 x 40 mins) in the feeding trough. Therefore their feeding trough must be topped up every 13 hours to continue their development. Failure to do so will result in a lengthy development phase because of missed feeding. By using Fish Meat, this time is doubled to 26.6 hours, although Raw Fish Meat is only half as nutritious as Raw Meat, so baby dinos will need twice as much meat. Dinos* will eat food with the lowest food value first (see food table below), thus fish meat before raw meat, so mixing the two will result in the longer keeping fish meat being eaten first. After progression to Juvenile phase, you do not need to make sure they are constantly fed; however not doing so will extend their development time.

This is less of an issue for herbivores, because a stack of 100 berries lasts 66 real hours (2.7 days) before spoiling, a much more manageable interval. Remember not to try and feed the babies with stim or narcoberries because they won't eat them.

*Baryonyx will eat Raw Fish Meat before Cooked Fish Meat and they only eat fish meat.

*There are more dinos that only eat fish meat (e.g. the Pelagornis).

Special Caring

Some babies require special caring. Effects can be disastrous if not cared for properly.

Reaper King
Aberration DLC Этот раздел посвящен существу, элементу или функции, уникальной для DLC: Aberration

For details on taking care of baby Reaper King or how to obtain them, check its own article. Reaper King babies will attack any dino and any survivor around if it is able to reach towards them and will be constantly on wander (with no options to stop wandering or follow target). It will not attack the birth giver with Reaper Pheromone Gland (Aberration) Reaper Pheromone Gland Aberration Icon effect. Once it reaches Juvenile however, it will stop randomly attacking and can be ordered like every other baby.

Whenever the baby attacks an entity, a portion of its food will be lost.

Royal Griffin
Logo Mobile Этот раздел посвящен функции, доступной исключительно в Mobile

Baby Griffins prefers to be secure to feel safe. While it feels insecure, it will refuse to eat food from inventory or trough. For it to feel secure, it must be close to its mother based on the current ancestor, or a female griffin with the same surname as the baby.

Food Values

Carnivores will only eat meat, while herbivores will only eat berries. During the baby phase, you have to hand feed the baby until it reaches the juvenile stage. This can take quite a long time so be prepared and have time to sit around feeding a baby. Also, food value does not seem to affect the baby anymore, it's a certain time stamp for how long the baby will grow into a juvenile as of 4-18-2016.

Еда Значение еды
Приоритетный Корм Корм 80 (53.33**)
Корм Корм сделанный с Вяленое Первосортное Мясо Вяленым Первосортным Мясом (кроме корма из яйца Карбонемиса) 90
Другой Корм Корм 60
Сырое Первосортное Мясо Сырое Первосортное Мясо / Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо / Сырая Баранина Сырая Баранина 50
Протухшее Мясо Протухшее Мясо 50*
Жареное Первосортное Мясо Жареное Первосортное Мясо / Вяленое Первосортное Мясо Вяленое Первосортное Мясо 50
Овощи Овощи 40
Межоберри Межоберри 30
Жареное Мясо Жареное Мясо / Вяленое Мясо Вяленое Мясо 25
Сырая Первосортная Рыба Сырая Первосортная Рыба / Жареная Первосортная Рыба Жареная Первосортная Рыба / Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба 25
Ягоды Другие Ягоды 20
Жареная Рыба Жареная Рыба 12

*только для Скорпиона и Грифа
**Brontos only gain 53.33 food points from their preferred Kibble (Carbonemys Egg) Kibble (Carbonemys Egg)

Стадии роста и Потребление еды

Прогресс роста Стадия
0%-10% Детеныш
10%-50% Юнец
50%-100% Юный

Потребление пищи младенцами очень велико и изменяется в зависимости от прогресса роста динамически

FoodPerSec = 2.7 - 2.6 * maturation%

Примечание: Эта формула является оценочной и не дает точных значений.

Some Perspective: For only one baby Rex (remember you could have twins or triplets) on an unmodified server, it will take roughly 450 stacks (10 full refrigerators) of raw meat to reach adult phase, so be sure to have plenty on hand before the baby is born!

Use a calculator to determine the needed food and time, e.g.[2]


  • The food consumption rate appears to change with each stage of the maturation progress (at least for wolves and Dodos).


Основная статья: Привязанность

Imprinting is a way to improve the stat-values of a bred creature. It requires one of three interactions (giving specific kibble, cuddling, walking) every 8 hours. Only a single player can imprint a newborn baby (whoever claims it first). There is no penalty for not imprinting, and any imprinting done is permanent. Imprinting values will not be lost if you miss an imprint.

If this player manages to care for the baby during the entire maturation, the creature's base stats before modifications will be increased by 20% and, when ridden by the imprinter, it will also gain 30% increased damage and damage resistance.

Sterile Creatures

All tameable creatures are breedable except for:

Despite ingame showing the Reaper King Reaper King as breedable, it is impossible due to how they are "tamed", with the added fact they are shown as genderless.

In ARK: Survival Evolved Mobile, Royal Griffin Royal Griffin has gender and can be bred. However, they will only mate with members of the same house (they must have the same 2-3 last letters in their names).

Times for Breeding

Table of Breeding Table of Mammal Breeding

Stats of the Offspring

In-Depth look at Breeding Super Dinos

The spawn of two dinosaurs will inherit the "natural" stat levels of its parents. Natural stat levels are the levels in each stat after it has been tamed but before it gains any stats through leveling-up by a player. There is a 55% chance of inheriting the stronger stat of each parent. This means you have a certain percent chance of obtaining a 100% perfect (meaning with only the higher stats of both parents) dino from both parents from each mating.

The stat-values (not the stat-levels) of the offspring are calculated like for a creature that was just tamed with a 100% taming effectiveness with the taming effectiveness bonuses applied. This means that an offspring can have higher values than its parents in stats that get a bonus from taming effectiveness (for most creatures this is Melee Damage and sometimes Food). See also Creature Stats Calculation for how the values are calculated from the stats.


To understand this better, here is an example. Let's only look at the melee damage of a pair of Raptors. Assume they were just tamed with a taming effectiveness of 70% and have both already 4 levels in melee damage. The value you can see as melee damage is according to the formula on Creature Stats Calculation, the newly added extra modifier (balancing update), and the stats of the raptors

Value = (BaseStat × ( 1 + LevelWild × IncreaseWild) + TamingBonusAdd × TamingBonusAddModifier) × (1 + TamingEffectiveness × TamingBonusMult × TamingBonusMultModifier)
Value = (100% × ( 1 + 4 × 5%) + 50% × 15%) × (1 + 70% × 40% × 45%)
Value = 127.5% × 112.6%
Value = 143.6%

The offspring inherits the values of its parents. But they don't inherit the plain value, but the levels the parents spend in the stats before being leveled up by a player. So the offspring inherits 4 levels for its melee damage (as both parents have 4 levels in this case). To get the value of the melee damage of the offspring, we calculate it like before, but this time we use a taming effectiveness of 100% (this is the way the game gives you another bonus if you breed creatures).

Value = (BaseStat × ( 1 + LevelWild × IncreaseWild) + TamingBonusAdd × TamingBonusAddModifier) × (1 + TamingEffectiveness × TamingBonusMult × TamingBonusMultModifier)
Value = (100% × ( 1 + 4 × 5%) + 50% × 15%) × (1 + 100% × 40% × 45%)
Value = 127.5% × 118%
Value = 150.5%

The offspring has like the parents 4 levels in melee damage, but with the higher taming-effectiveness-bonus its value is 150.5% instead of 143.6%. The bonus is not much, but is clearly noticeable.

Amount of higher stats and chance of obtaining them when hatching

Количество желаемых характеристик Вероятность [%]
6 2.77%
5 13.59%
4 27.80%
3 30.32%
2 18.61%
1 6.09%
0 0.83%

Finding the Best Parents

To maximize the stats of the offspring, specialized parents with a good value in few stats are needed. The more specialized a creature is in one stat, the higher it can be. To get a really good breed you need 6 creatures, each with a high upleveled (only the wild-leveling counts here) different stat. After at least 3 generations a creature with the best of the stats can be bred.

Повышения характеристик дикого существа

Введите значения дикого существа, чтобы увидеть, в какую характеристику оно ушло. Зеленые значения на существе высокого уровня очень хороши для выведения. Если вы уже приручили свое существо, вы можете попытаться восстановить статистику с помощью внешнего инструмента.[3]


Калькулятор характеристик не работает в мобильной версии, смотрите здесь альтернативы: Приложения

Обратите внимание, что после приручения существо получает бонусы на некоторые характеристики в зависимости от эффективности приручения. Это затрудняет получение уровней на прирученном существе, поэтому этот инструмент только для диких, но дает первое представление, насколько хорошо распределены характеристики.

Level of the Offspring

The resulting level of the baby is the sum of wild level-points (i.e. level of the dino directly after taming) spent in the inherited stats by its parents. Assume for example, that one (highly unusual) parent has only leveled up in Health 40 levels and nothing else, while the other parent leveled up only in weight 30 levels. If the baby happens to inherit these higher stats, it inherits 70 levelups giving it level 71 with its starting level. Other possibilities are a level 41 Baby with only health leveled up, a level 31 baby with only weight leveled up or a baby with level 1 and nothing leveled up.

The (practically impossible to reach) maximum of levels a baby can get would be 223 levelups (149 natural + 74 by taming bonus (TE of nearly 100%)) in each stat, with 7 stats summing up to level 1562 (223 levelups in 7 stats plus the startinglevel: 223 x 7 + 1 = 1562).

One would need to find an average of 2.863×10^188 number of any dino to get all 223 wild stats put into any specific stat, assuming all levels have the same chance of spawning [1/((1/7)^223)].

Note that the levels a wild animal wastes in the movement stat is remembered and passed on during breeding. Thus two siblings with seemingly identical stats might have different levels if one of them inherited a higher movement stat than the other. This has one practical advantage: a higher torpor level.

Note that the cap level of dino on official are 450, after this level your dino will be deleted by server restart or if you cryo pod it.


Here's an example of two parents and possible children they can get. Child1 inherited random stats, ChildMax only got the maximum values and ChildMin only got the lower values. You can see that the level of the offspring can be lower, in between or higher as the levels of the parents. The higher levelup is displayed in bold.

Displayed are only the wild levels (the ones that can be inherited). Levelups by the player have no influence on the stats of the offspring.

In this example the levels of Stamina are the same for both parents, so you cannot tell which one the offspring inherited.

Mother Child1 ChildMax ChildMin Father
Level 154
Stat Lvl
HP 24
St 23
Ox 26
Fo 18
We 19
Dm 22
Sp 21
Level 150
Stat Lvl
HP 18
St 23
Ox 26
Fo 22
We 19
Dm 22
Sp 19
Level 166
Stat Lvl
HP 24
St 23
Ox 26
Fo 22
We 27
Dm 22
Sp 21
Level 130
Stat Lvl
HP 18
St 23
Ox 15
Fo 18
We 19
Dm 17
Sp 19
Level 142
Stat Lvl
HP 18
St 23
Ox 15
Fo 22
We 27
Dm 17
Sp 19

To get to the creature's level, you add up the levels of the stats and add one, as all creatures start at level one.

External Video Tutorials

Quick tutorial on hatching eggs.

