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Эти значения могут отличаться от того, что вы видите в игре или в другом месте. Но это то, что говорится в досье.
Therizinosaurus multiensis
Временной период
Поздний Меловой период

Места Обитания
no MAP specified

The Therizinosaur (thair-uh-ZEEN-uh-SAWR) is one of the Dinosaurs in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Basic Info


В этом разделе представлен точный перевод текста досье, написанного первопроходцем Хеленой. Здесь могут быть некоторые расхождения между этим текстом и положением в игре.


I'm not entirely sure how Therizinosaurus multiensis stays populated on the Island. It is surprisingly slow for its size, and is a solitary predator (so no pack to back it up). I suppose the fact that its sheer power rivals Tyrannosaurus is the only thing that allows this very aggressive medium-sized predator to thrive.

The claws of Therizinosaurus are some of the most versatile biological tools I've encountered, as adept at removing trees and foliage from Therizinosaurus' path as they are at piercing the thick shells and hide of the Island's most defensive creatures if backed into a fight.


A tamed Therizinosaurus is one of the most versatile mounts a survivor can have. It can be trained to use its claws brutally or delicately, allowing the rider to primarily harvest with enhanced efficiency the specific kinds of resources that he or she needs. And in combat, these same claws can pierce straight through the toughest armor. This flexibility more than makes up for its inability to carry the large loads of the Island's many herbivorous beasts of burden.

~ Хелена


Therizinosaurus can be found wandering around alone, though it is not uncommon to see them in small groups of 2 or 3. Whilst they tend to ignore other creatures in the area, any predators, players or tamed creatures that venture too close will envoke an aggressive response. Caution is strongly advised!


A Therizinosaurus is one of the strongest creatures a survivor will encounter on the island. Although it is built like a Tyrannosaurus or an Allosaurus, and despite the dossier calling it a predator, the creature is a herbivore, using its scythe-like claws to pull down leafy vegetation for consumption. The massive claws are just as efficient for slashing foes in combat though, intimidating all but the hungriest of predators. The beast is also covered in a thick covering of feathers much like its real life counterpart: Therizinosaurus cheloniformis.

Color Scheme and Regions

В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Теризинозавр имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6" покрасит Теризинозавр "feathers" в фиолетовый.

Therizinosaurus PaintRegion0
Регион 0:
X mark

Регион 1 не используется
у этого существа.

Therizinosaurus PaintRegion2
Регион 2:
Body Highlights
X mark

Регион 3 не используется
у этого существа.

Therizinosaurus PaintRegion4
Регион 4:
Feather Highlights
Therizinosaurus PaintRegion5
Регион 5:
Main Body


Guaranteed Special Loot
  • Когти Теризинозавра Когти Теризинозавра

Base Stats and Growth

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу Бонус Приручения
Дикий Прирученный1 Прибавка Мульт
Здоровье Здоровье 870 +174 +5.4% 0.07
Выносливость Выносливость 300 +30 +10%
Кислород Кислород 150 +15 +10%
Еда Еда 3000 +300 +10%
Вес Вес 365 +7.3 +4%
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 52 / 52 +2.6 / +0.25 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3 +1%
Оглушение Оглушение 925 +55.5 Н/Д4 0.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Дикий Прирученный
Ходьба 466 978.6 1304.7999 14
Плавание 300 Н/Д Н/Д Н/Д

Повышения характеристик дикого существа

Введите значения дикого существа, чтобы увидеть, в какую характеристику оно ушло. Зеленые значения на существе высокого уровня очень хороши для выведения. Если вы уже приручили свое существо, вы можете попытаться восстановить статистику с помощью внешнего инструмента.[1]


Калькулятор характеристик не работает в мобильной версии, смотрите здесь альтернативы: Приложения

Обратите внимание, что после приручения существо получает бонусы на некоторые характеристики в зависимости от эффективности приручения. Это затрудняет получение уровней на прирученном существе, поэтому этот инструмент только для диких, но дает первое представление, насколько хорошо распределены характеристики.


Since 253.3 the bug (Fertilized Megalosaurus Egg) is fixed and the Therizinosaurus now prefers Kibble (Megalosaurus Egg) Kibble (Megalosaurus Egg). Note, the kibble fills up 120 food per bite, not 80.

Therizinosaur Уровень 1 Наркоберри Наркотик Биотоксин Время
Исключительный Корм Исключительный Корм 5 113 29 15 0:16:00
Овощи Овощи 44 691 177 89 1:10:24
Межоберри Межоберри 58 682 175 88 1:09:36
Ягоды Ягоды 87 682 175 88 1:09:36
нокаут: Удары Деревянной Дубинкой × 93; Выстрелы из Рогатки × 38; Лук с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 11; Арбалет с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 26; Выстрел Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 5; Выстрел Улучшенным Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 3
Оглушение понижается: 2.84 / сек., Время, пока всё оглушение не будет исчерпано: 00:05:26
Therizinosaur Уровень 30 Наркоберри Наркотик Биотоксин Время
Исключительный Корм Исключительный Корм 8 218 61 31 0:25:36
Овощи Овощи 73 1409 393 197 1:56:48
Межоберри Межоберри 97 1404 391 196 1:56:24
Ягоды Ягоды 145 1399 390 195 1:56:00
нокаут: Удары Деревянной Дубинкой × 254; Выстрелы из Рогатки × 104; Лук с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 29; Арбалет с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 69; Выстрел Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 12; Выстрел Улучшенным Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 6
Оглушение понижается: 4.71 / сек., Время, пока всё оглушение не будет исчерпано: 00:08:58
Therizinosaur Уровень 60 Наркоберри Наркотик Биотоксин Время
Исключительный Корм Исключительный Корм 11 339 99 50 0:35:11
Овощи Овощи 103 2181 635 318 2:44:48
Межоберри Межоберри 137 2175 633 317 2:44:24
Ягоды Ягоды 205 2170 631 316 2:44:00
нокаут: Удары Деревянной Дубинкой × 420; Выстрелы из Рогатки × 172; Лук с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 47; Арбалет с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 115; Выстрел Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 20; Выстрел Улучшенным Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 10
Оглушение понижается: 6.15 / сек., Время, пока всё оглушение не будет исчерпано: 00:11:23
Therizinosaur Уровень 90 Наркоберри Наркотик Биотоксин Время
Исключительный Корм Исключительный Корм 14 474 142 71 0:44:47
Овощи Овощи 133 2988 896 448 3:32:48
Межоберри Межоберри 177 2982 894 447 3:32:24
Ягоды Ягоды 265 2976 892 446 3:32:00
нокаут: Удары Деревянной Дубинкой × 587; Выстрелы из Рогатки × 240; Лук с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 66; Арбалет с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 160; Выстрел Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 27; Выстрел Улучшенным Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 14
Оглушение понижается: 7.43 / сек., Время, пока всё оглушение не будет исчерпано: 00:13:09
Therizinosaur Уровень 120 Наркоберри Наркотик Биотоксин Время
Исключительный Корм Исключительный Корм 17 618 190 95 0:54:22
Овощи Овощи 163 3820 1170 585 4:20:48
Межоберри Межоберри 217 3814 1168 584 4:20:24
Ягоды Ягоды 325 3807 1166 583 4:20:00
нокаут: Удары Деревянной Дубинкой × 753; Выстрелы из Рогатки × 308; Лук с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 84; Арбалет с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 205; Выстрел Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 35; Выстрел Улучшенным Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 18
Оглушение понижается: 8.64 / сек., Время, пока всё оглушение не будет исчерпано: 00:14:32
Therizinosaur Уровень 150 Наркоберри Наркотик Биотоксин Время
Исключительный Корм Исключительный Корм 20 770 240 120 1:03:58
Овощи Овощи 193 4669 1455 728 5:08:48
Межоберри Межоберри 257 4663 1453 727 5:08:24
Ягоды Ягоды 385 4656 1451 726 5:08:00
нокаут: Удары Деревянной Дубинкой × 920; Выстрелы из Рогатки × 376; Лук с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 103; Арбалет с Транквилизирующими Стрелами × 251; Выстрел Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 42; Выстрел Улучшенным Транквилизирующим Дротиком × 21
Оглушение понижается: 9.78 / сек., Время, пока всё оглушение не будет исчерпано: 00:15:40

Обратите внимание, что значения указаны для оптимальных случаев, всегда приносите с собой еду для приручения с запасом!
Чтобы подсчитать количество необходимых ресурсов в зависимости от уровня существа, попробуйте внешний калькулятор приручения.

Не найдено

  • As Stimberries do not recover Food, the AI will detect that it is still hungry after eating and trigger a continuous cycle of consumption. Stimulants do not work nor will using Remote Use speed up the process. The Taming Effectiveness gained using Stimberries is exceptionally poor, due to the thousands required to tame. However, Stimberries that are consumed autonomously do not seem to affect Torpor, meaning it will not wake up any faster.
  • The -15 Food occurs over a digestion period, but does net an increase the rate that the Therizinosaurus starves. This can be used in conjunction with normal berries or advanced crops to substantially improve the taming time. However, it is worth stressing how little Taming Effectiveness will remain if Stimberries are used. (Taming speed is increased, and effectiveness is effectively 0 when using stimberries, but food no longer drops faster as of 253.5)
    • (As of 253.5 this no longer works) This loss can be counteracted by allowing the creature to wake up when it's close to 0 Food and then knock it out again, resetting its current Taming Affinity and Taming Effectiveness, but preserving its current Food. At this point, do not use Stimberries.

The rate that Taming Effectiveness decays is significantly lower than other herbivores, with a level 145 retaining 90% (+65 levels) when tamed using Advanced Crops). (Tested on Official PVP.)


This section describes how to fight against the Therizinosaurus.


The Therizino is capable of dealing a large amount of DPS, and deals some torpor for each attack and has quite an effective attack range.


Therizinos are highly aggressive for Herbivores and will not hesitate to attack any players or tames that approach too closely. Keep in mind that although it isn't as flashy or impressive looking as a Rex, it is at least as powerful as an Allo and not to be taken lightly. It is not recommended to take a Therizino head on with a tame unless you are certain it can take a beating, and certainly don't attempt melee with one if unmounted as they are quite capable of shredding armour very quickly. Fast mounts, high perches and ranged weapons are the order of the day.


Shotgun works well if aimed at the head. Four rounds may down it from close range, depending on server settings, level, quality of gun, etc.


The Therizinosaurus' attacks are capable of damaging both mounts and their riders in a single attack whenever it randomly uses its bite attack - although the rider must still be in range of the attack. Approaching a Therizinosaurus with shorter mounts is not advised as they can distribute Torpor to the rider of a mount when hit by the bite attack. Therizinosaurus can aggro on a player inside a house if they wander too close, potentially tearing down anything not made of metal, so it's best to monitor the location of any that wander nearby.

It's worth noting that due to the shared torpor effect, the Therizinosaurus can knock a player off their mount unconscious.


It can't heal well like the Rex, unless using sweet vegetable cake. Attacking behind spikes with a pike can allow you to kill one on foot, as its head will pop over and they won't be able to hit you. Also, it seems to have a fear of deep water - even if you are shooting it it won’t enter it. Obviously a crossbow or raft is required if you can’t shoot it from the other side of a lake.


Herbivore Combat Mount
  • Most other carnivores will ignore a tamed Therizinosaurs, making it a very safe and efficient transport dino. Only very few other animals will attack unprovoked (e.g:
    • Griffin Griffin
    • Pegomastax Pegomastax
    • Piranha Piranha
    • Megalodon Megalodon
    and other Therizinosaurs); unless the Survivor is on a tamed Therizinosaur and get too close to larger carnivores like the Yutyrannus Yutyrannus.
  • Each of the Therizino's attacks hits multiple times, meaning the effective DPS is much greater than one might assume from the information presented above (which is already high compared to other creatures).
  • The Therizino's sprint speed is comparable to the Giganotosaurs except the Therizino's endurance is better.
  • Therizinosaurus have faster attacking rate while sprinting and it's bite can damage stone structures as well inflict torpor damage and can directly hit the dino rider (similar to the Dimorphodon Dimorphodon).
Aquatic Utility
  • The Therizino's base movement speed in water is slightly fast, even without being able to sprint.
  • While it uses both Oxygen and Stamina to swim, and its stamina-endurance while swimming is poor (compared to sprinting on land, at least), it can often make desired swims in such speed its stamina isn't necessary.
  • With use of Stimulants or Recipes to regenerate Stamina, its exceptional base oxygen combined with affinity in Power Harvesting makes the Therizino the best Fish/Prime Meat gatherer in the game.
Meat and Wood Gatherer
  • The primary attack (lmb) gathers Wood and Meat in exceptional quantities, as well as lesser (by comparison to c, swipe down) amounts of Thatch and skins (Hide, Chitin, Silk etc.).
    • The attack hits two times with a single click.
      • Each hit deals damage/gathers resources, capable of hitting the same target multiple times or multiple targets.
    • Can perform this attack while moving.
    • They gather Wood almost as efficiently as a Chainsaw, and more efficiently than any other tame.
    • It is recommended to upgrade Weight stats for Wood Gathering as the Therizino can easily reach maximum weight in seconds, and combat stats for Meat/Skinning.
    • This attack will also gather obscene quantities of Rare Mushrooms from the Trees within the Swamp.
    • This attack will destroy Cactus Trees on Scorched Earth, but gathers nothing from them.
Fiber Gatherer
  • The secondary attack (rmb, swipe up) functions as a sickle versus bush nodes, and gathers Fibre, Silk and Plant Y Seeds.
    • The attack hits three times with a single click, but takes a few seconds to perform.
    • Can perform this attack while moving.
    • When using the secondary attack on a tree and pressing the primary attack during the animation it will only gather thatch from the tree.
  • This attack will also harvest from corpses, gathering the same amount of meat and hide as (lmb), but requires multiple attacks to fully harvest the corpse.
    • It is not considered a sickle versus corpses (i.e. it will not gather prime fish from salmon).
  • On some maps, this attack gathers Plant X Seeds, Rare Flowers and Fiber from the Reed Plants at the edge of rivers.
  • On Scorched Earth, this attack also gathers Silk, Plant Y Seeds, Rare Mushrooms and Rare Flowers from Flower Nodes; and Cactus Sap from Cactus Bushes.
Berries/Seeds and Hide/Chitin/Silk Gatherer
  • The tertiary attack (c, swipe down) gathers Berries from bush nodes and Hide/Chitin from corpses.
    • This attack hits once and can be performed while moving.
    • Other secondary resources, such as Pelt and Organic Polymer, are not gathered at all by this attack. When tested, Mammoths and Kairuku give a substantial amount of Hide.
  • On Scorched Earth this attack will also gather Cactus Sap from Cactus Bushes, but in an inferior quantity to the lmb attack.
  • This attack can inflict torpor, directly hit the rider, and damage stone structures.

Scrap Metal Gatherer

On Extinction the Therizino is a very effective gatherer of Scrap Metal from the corpses of both Enforcers and Defense Units. Invest in delicate harvesting and use the tertiary attack (C attack) to harvest only scrap metal. Be warned that scrap metal is quite heavy so either invest heavily into weight or bring along something such as a Gasbags to haul your heavy metal load back to base.

Automated Harvesting
  • The Therizinosaurus will use its lmb and c attacks autonomously to harvest nearby valid nodes when not in-use by a player (mounted or set to follow). This can be combined with Wander Enabled to have the Therizinosaurus autonomously collect wood, berries and seeds for you.
Upgradeable Harvesting
  • In addition to bonus stats, each time you spend a skill point you will also gain the ability to apply "Harvesting Levels" via the Wheel Menu. The two options are: Delicate Harvesting and Power Harvesting.
    • Delicate: Improves the gathering from Bush/Flower Nodes (rmb/c), hide and chitin (c) and Organic Polymer (rmb).
    • Power: Improves the gathering from Trees (lmb) and Corpses (lmb/rmb), but is surpassed by Delicate for Hide and Chitin in particular. Trees includes Wood, Thatch and Rare Mushrooms.
    • Pelt does not appear to be gathered in any noteworthy quantity by any attack with any upgrade investment.
  • The following table was populated using information from a level 150 that was GMSummoned in single player, and given maximum experience. All skill points were expended in Oxygen, to avoid contaminating the results. Level 5 Diplodocuses were spawned in to test meat/hide; Scorpions for Chitin and Kairuku for Organic Polymer.
Base 425% Delicate 425% Power
Fiber rmb, swipe up 45-300 700-900 45-300
Azul Berries c,swipe down 45 250 45
Thatch c, swipe down +lmb, normal attack 25 25 125
Wood lmb, normal attack 200 200 900
Meat lmb, normal attack.rmb, swipe up 60 60 250
Hide and Chitin lmb, normal attack.rmb, swipe up 50 / 15 50 / 15 180 / 105
Hide and Chitin c, swipe down 40 / 85 450 / 200 40 / 85
Organic Polymer rmb, swipe up 8 24 8
Cactus Sap rmb 60 60 250
Corpse Silk lmb 40 40 120
Flower Silk rmb 40 120 40
Rare Flower rmb, swipe up ? ? ?
  • The Power Therizino when tested against a level 5 Squid gathered so much Raw Fish Meat, Raw Prime Fish Meat and Keratin to reach the stack limit within its inventory, at ~3000 Raw Fish Meat, ~300 Raw Prime Fish Meat and ~750 Keratin, compared to the Delicate's ~400 Raw Fish Meat, ~60 Raw Prime Fish Meat and ~300 Keratin. A similarly levelled Allosaurus gathered twice as much as a Delicate Therizino, implying the squid itself provides an unusually high amount of resources before factoring the Power Therizino's multiplier.

The following represents the creature's innate affinity for harvesting quantity compared to the other tools/creatures:

Ресурс Эффективность
Сочная Мякоть Кактуса Сочная Мякоть Кактуса ★★★★★
Семена Растения Y Семена Растения Y ★★★★★
Кератин Кератин ★★★★★
Хитин Хитин ★★★★★
Шёлк Шёлк ★★★★★
Редкий Гриб Редкий Гриб ★★★★★
Редкий Цветок Редкий Цветок ★★★★★
Волокно Волокно ★★★★★
Кожа Кожа ★★★★★
Дерево Дерево ★★★★★
Ягоды Ягоды ★★★★☆
Органический Полимер Органический Полимер ★★★★☆
Солома Солома ★★★☆☆
Сырое Первосортное Мясо Сырое Первосортное Мясо ★★★☆☆
Чёрный Жемчуг Чёрный Жемчуг ★★★☆☆
Сырая Первосортная Рыба Сырая Первосортная Рыба ★★★☆☆
Сырое Мясо Сырое Мясо ★★★☆☆
Сырая Рыба Сырая Рыба ★★★☆☆

These already-good ratings can be improved further with the Harvesting Levels. With 65 bonus levels, one can get up to 4.25x gathering (325% bonus).



Для информации, относящейся конкретно к реальному миру Теризинозавр, см. соответствующую статью на Wikipedia

  • Therizinosaurus was first revealed by Drake on 06/27/2015 [2]
  • The dossier was revealed on 09/07/2015 [3]
  • Be careful when having a tamed Therizinosaurus follow you around. If it hits a tree as a response to an attack and it has a lot of points in Power Harvesting it can unintentionally encumber itself from the sheer amounts of wood it can acquire. This can leave a dismounted survivor vulnerable or cause an unwary survivor leading a large pack of dinosaurs to mistakenly leave it behind. As of v254.0 this issue can be rectified by disabling resource gathering on the Therizinosaurus.
  • Some carnivores that are smaller than the Therizinosaurus appear to ignore it when mounted by a player (such as raptors/carnos).
  • Compared to other "Tranq and Tame" creatures that have a kibble, the Therizinosaurus is among the top of the list for taking the longest to tame (a level 150 still takes over 3 hours to tame on kibble.) Due to their fast torpor drop and the longevity of the tame, this can make domesticating one a daunting task. However, the Therizino is very adaptable when it comes to harvesting resources. Since it's also a very powerful battle mount, these qualities mean that having just a few at your disposal can remove the need for several other dinos to be cared for.
  • Therizinosaurus multiensis roughly translates into "Multiple-Sword Reaping Lizard".
  • Majority of players refers the Therizinosaurus informally as "Tickle Monster", "Tickle Chicken", "Fear Turkey", "Danger Floof", "Longclaws", "Therizino", or "Sid" (Referencing the Sloth character in the film Ice Age). However, there are other "slothlike" creatures in Ark, so therefore the nickname is misleading.
  • Despite the dossier stating the Therizinosaurus as 'Aggressive', the in-game creature is actually 'Territorial' and will only attack the player if they get too close.
  • The dossier mistakenly calls it a “predator”. It is thought to be an herbivore or an insectivore instead.
  • You can now get pretty close to a Therizinosaurus before it aggros on you, like with the Argentavis.


