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Эти значения могут отличаться от того, что вы видите в игре или в другом месте. Но это то, что говорится в досье.
Titanomyrma parvagigan
Временной период
Палеогеновый период
Steam 187.0
июль 18, 2015
Xbox One
Logo Mobile
Nintendo Switch
Epic Games
Комманда призыва
admincheat summon Ant_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ant/Ant_Character_BP.Ant_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Вариант Soldier
admincheat summon FlyingAnt_Character_BP_C
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ant/FlyingAnt_Character_BP.FlyingAnt_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 35
Опыт за убийство
4 XP
Места Обитания
no MAP specified
Disambig Это статья о Титаномуравей Титаномуравей, не путайте с Титанобоа Титанобоа, Титанозавр Титанозавр, или Титаны Титаны
Designed to ruin your sunday picnics!
~ Drake on Titanomyrma

The Titanomyrma (Ty-tan-o-mur-mah), a giant ant, is one of the creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved, added to the game on the 18th of July, 2015.

Basic Info


В этом разделе представлен точный перевод текста досье, написанного первопроходцем Хеленой. Здесь могут быть некоторые расхождения между этим текстом и положением в игре.


Titanomyrma is one of the smaller creatures on the Island; a frightening thought, when you realize it is the size of a dog.

A hive-minded carnivore, Titanomyrma is aggressive on sight to humans and their creature companions. When attacked or threatened, it releases a chemical which alerts all other Titanomyrma in a large range to help fight the aggressor.

While small, Titanomyrma remain a threat because of their bite. Titanomyrma mandibles produce a toxic venom that causes loss of stamina, preventing escape and increasing the chance of losing consciousness.

I've seen two varieties of Titanomyrma: Drones and Soldiers. Drones are smaller, faster, and land-bound, with the intent to harvest for the colony. Soldiers are larger, slower, have wings, and they defend the colony. If Titanomyrma is akin to hive insects, there must be queens too, but I've yet to encounter such a variant.


Because of its hive mentality, I've not seen any successfully tamed Titanomyrma on the Island yet. Fortunately for lone survivors, separated Titanomyrma can be easily picked off for a small supply of chitin among other natural resources.

~ Хелена


Titanomyrmas are very aggressive, and as the Dossier states, come in two varieties: Soldiers, with wings, and Drones that scuttle about the ground. Despite being much larger than you would expect of an ant, they're still quite small (about the size of a Dodo, but shorter), and their tendency to spawn in areas with grass makes them difficult to locate before they attack.

They generally spawn in groups of 5-7 with 2-3 Soldiers and the rest as Drones. Their biggest threat is their ability to attack by surprise, swarming an unsuspecting victim. But any survivor that sees them coming could fend off a large amount of them with a Spear Spear (provided it doesn't break) or a Pike Pike, as they have very little health, often going down in one hit, even when level 50-60.

The ants are also a great source of Chitin Chitin for survivors not well-equipped enough, or not brave enough, to go after Pulmonoscorpius.


Titanomyrma come in two variants: Soldiers and drones. The former bear a resemblance to wasps or hornets, complete with aggressive buzzing. The latter resemble more typical ants. They are quite large, even for their genus, but still vastly dwarfed by the rest of the ARK's wildlife.

Color Scheme and Regions

Для наглядности, Титаномуравей имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 1 6" можно раскрасить Титаномуравей "" в фиолетовый.

X mark

Регион 0 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 1 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 2 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 3 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 4 не используется
у этого существа.

X mark

Регион 5 не используется
у этого Существа.


  • Raw Meat Raw Meat
  • Chitin Chitin
  • Cementing Paste Cementing Paste

Cementing Paste is only obtainable with a Beelzebufo

Base Stats and Growth

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 35 +7
Выносливость Выносливость 100 +10
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 450 +45
Вес Вес 150 +3
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 72 +0.35
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 50 +3

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 67 194.3 ?
Плавание 200 Н/Д

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу
Здоровье Здоровье 50 +10
Выносливость Выносливость 100 +10
Кислород Кислород 150 +15
Еда Еда 900 +90
Вес Вес 50 +1
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 112 +0.55
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3
Оглушение Оглушение 75 +4.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Ходьба 175 455 Н/Д
Плавание 200 Н/Д
Полёт 185 481 ?


This section describes how to fight against the Titanomyrma.


Titanomyrma almost always attack in swarms, and generally it will be the soldiers that you encounter first, as they fly faster than the drones can crawl. The sound of buzzing insect wings will clue you in to their approach.


Soldiers will fly around your head biting you while drones will head straight for your feet. Stabbing into the air with a spear/pike can dispatch the soldiers, while backpedalling while stabbing at the ground can dispatch the drones. Most players will be able to out-walk the drones unless encumbered, so the real danger with Titanomyrma is the quickness of the flying soldiers and their attacking numbers. Additionally, any Dino with an attack that has a large area of effect (such as a Triceratops Triceratops) can take out multiple Titanomyra at a time very easily. If all else fails, Titanomyrma will not follow a player in the water, so take a swim if you need to escape/fight back. Beelzebufo Beelzebufo will just crush them with not only AoE attacks but also insane multipliers against them, bonus it gives Cementing Paste Cementing Paste.


The spear and pike are both effective due to their reasonable range. Be careful using a spear though, as it can potentially break while fending off a swarm. Ranged weaponry is questionable when dealing with soldiers, as they fly too fast for accurate aiming, but drones are easily dispatched while backpedaling with a bow.


The biggest threat of Titanomyrma is their bite. A bite from Titanomyrma will poison the player and cause their stamina to slowly decrease, preventing an escape, or increasing the possibility of falling unconscious due to stamina loss. Additionally, due to their speed and tendency to attack in swarms, it is difficult for players to avoid a bite (especially new players).


Titanomyrma have very little health. Even at high levels, it only takes a few spear hits to dispatch one. Titanomyrma also cannot swim, which makes the water a safe alternative to launch an attack. If you somehow manage to get a drone into the water, it will stay in place until it drowns.


Для информации, относящейся конкретно к реальному миру Титаномуравей, см. соответствующую статью на Wikipedia

  • As of patch 188.0, Titanomyrma will not follow the player into the water.
  • The Dino Dossier was revealed on 06/29/2015 on Steam [1]
  • The dossier might give indication of a possible new boss creature, similar to how Broodmother Lysrix was first mentioned in the dossier of the Spider.
  • The dossier states that Titanomyrma is the size of a dog, but in reality, it was only two inches long.
  • The dossier states that it cannot be tamed due to its hive mentality, despite the Giant Bee being tamable and also having a hive mentality.
  • Titanomyrma parvagigan means "Large ant that is small among giants".
  • Contrary to the dossier, Titanomyrma of both castes will attack players without provocation.
  • Interestingly enough, the quick info box on the dossier states that it is a carnivore, but the main text states it is a herbivore.
  • Is one of three creatures currently able to be harvested by Beelzebufo Beelzebufo for Cementing Paste Cementing Paste. The others being Jug Bug Jug Bug and Meganeura Meganeura
  • In the dossier Helena mentions that the Titanomyrma Drones and Titanomyrma Soldiers are controlled by a queen but she hasn't seen or found one. If Titanomyrma work as a hive mind, the queen would be needed to control and coordinate them.
  • Helena mentions that the Titanomyrma Drones harvest for the colony and Titanomyrma Soldiers defend the colony. While small groups have been seen and found a full size colony has yet to found.


