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Disambig Это статья о Тяжёлая Авто-турель Тяжёлая Авто-турель, не путайте с Auto Turret Auto Turret, Ballista Turret Ballista Turret, Catapult Turret Catapult Turret, Minigun Turret Minigun Turret, Rocket Turret Rocket Turret, Tek Turret Tek Turret, или Eerie Turret (Mobile) Eerie Turret Logo Mobile
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Тяжёлая Авто-турель
Тяжёлая Авто-турель
Может быть настроена на автоматическую атаку врагов на заданном расстоянии. При выстрелах расходуются пули. Обладает повышенной огневой мощью, но расходует 4 пули за выстрел. Работает от электричества.
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Spawn Command
cheat gfi HeavyTurret 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Structures/Misc/PrimalItemStructure_HeavyTurret.PrimalItemStructure_HeavyTurret'" 1 0 0
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The Heavy Auto Turret is a fully automatic turret and is 4 times stronger than Auto Turret which can automatically target and fire on enemy dinos, players, both, or all (which includes wild dinos) within its range, as well as Rocket Propelled Grenade RPGs and Grenade Grenade. The fact that the turret does not need any guidance makes it an invaluable resource to defend against raiding, whilst your tribe is offline. This turret uses Advanced Rifle Bullet Advanced Rifle Ammo. The Heavy Auto Turret requires electricity to run.


Turrets can be customized to attack players, tamed creatures, and/or wild creatures. Turrets can also be set to a custom range. Turrets can also shoot above and below — assuming they have a line of sight of the target — making them a good defense against flyers. Heavy Auto Turrets can also shoot Grenades and Rocket Propelled Grenades out of the sky, useful against raiders.



The Heavy Auto Turret has multiple range settings, which correspond to the following distances:

  • Low: 7 Foundations
  • Medium: 18 Foundations
  • High: 27 Foundations


There are five targeting settings. (All of these settings ignore survivors and tamed creatures belonging to your tribe and alliances.)

  • All Targets: Attacks players, tamed creatures, wild creatures and grenades/RPG's.
  • Survivors & Mounted Creatures: Attacks players and creatures mounted by a player and grenades/RPG's.
  • Players or Tamed Creatures Only: Attacks players, tamed creatures and grenades/RPG's.
  • Only Survivors: Attacks only players and grenades/RPG's.
  • Only Wild: Attacks wild creatures and grenades/RPG's.


The alarm setting will give intruding players time to leave the area before they are shot at. Alarms take some time to reset, so if the intruding player hides within the turret's range, they will be shot at immediately without another alarm.

  • 4 Second Warning
  • 2 Second Warning
  • No Warning (default)

Note: The warning doesn't delay the projectiles shot.

Damage Multipliers

  • As of patch 231.4, turrets do 2.2x damage vs. all dinos.

There is no longer any separate multiplier for flying dinos.

Цветовая Схема и Регионы

X mark

Heavy Auto Turret в данный момент не имеет областей покраски, однако это может быть изменено в будущих обновлениях.

Для получения дополнительной информации о краске регионов и как их использовать, пожалуйста, посмотрите страницы Blue Coloring Краситель, Кисть Кисть, или Распылитель Краски Распылитель Краски.


  • As of 242.0, the Auto Turret and Heavy Auto Turret can no longer be built on a raft, Quetzal, Brontosaurus, Mosasaurus, Plesiosaur, or Paracer Platform Saddles. Any existing turrets on such platforms will no longer fire. This is a server option of "OverrideStructurePlatformPrevention=true". Otherwise they're now only allowed on non-moving Bases.
  • As of Xbox version 783.12, the "Override Structure Platform Prevention" setting does not allow Heavy Auto Turret placement on Titanosaur Platforms on Xbox (tested Feb 23, 2019).
  • The Heavy Auto Turret cannot be damaged by the Tek Rifle Tek Rifle or Rex Tek Saddle Rex Tek Saddle blasts.
  • The Heavy Auto Turret cannot be damaged by catapult boulders, but it CAN be damaged by ballista bolts launched from a ballista. The cannon deals more damage, though.
  • Despite being made and having the appearance of metal, the Auto Turret is treated as a stone structure.
