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Disambig Это статья о Титанобоа Титанобоа, не путайте с Титанозавр Титанозавр, Титаномуравей Титаномуравей, или Титаны Титаны



Места Обитания
no MAP specified

The Titanoboa (Ty-tan-o-bo-ah) is one of the Creatures in ARK: Survival Evolved.

Basic Info


В этом разделе представлен точный перевод текста досье, написанного первопроходцем Хеленой. Здесь могут быть некоторые расхождения между этим текстом и положением в игре.


Typically found within the Island's caves, Titanoboa exornantur is an aggressive creature that prefers dark, rocky areas. This extremely large snake, while being a member of the Titanoboa family, does not constrict its prey as most boas do. I believe this adaptation comes from coexisting with giant insects. However, the Titanoboa's venomous bite is so potent that it is known to paralyze far larger creatures.

Titanoboa has developed a strange coexistence with other creatures of the Island's caves.

Being immune to knockout poisons, and being unable to pierce the thick chitin of the insects, the species have learned to coexist. They often hunt large prey together.


As they appear immune to knockout poisons, Titanoboa exornantur is basically impossible to render unconscious. Because this crucial step can't be done, I'm convinced that Titanoboa are not tameable.

~ Хелена


Very aggressive, belligerent and relentless, the Titanoboa will pursue and attack most creatures (except other predators), which includes players who dare to approach one. Caves offer a safe location for Titanoboas to mingle with other creatures. They are also found in swamps, where they will attack whatever they can sink their fangs into. Although not amphibious like the Beelzebufo or the Sarcosuchus, they are adept at swimming. The attack of a Titanoboa increases Torpor Torpor, which can neutralize incoming players who are unable to fight this crippling game mechanic.

Titanoboa are an important part of the game. They drop eggs that are used to make Titanoboa Kibble, which is used for the Gigantopithecus, the Thylacoleo, and the Dunkleosteus, and they are also used to make Extraordinary Augmented Kibble (Extinction) Extraordinary Augmented Kibble, which is used for the Managarmr. These eggs are pearly white, so they stand out in a swamp environment. The eggs are incredibly rare, so players often launch egg raids on the swamp. This exposes them to the Titanoboa's deadly attacks, which can foil any egg raid with a few bites.


The Titanoboa is a constrictor snake of immense size, dwarfing even the largest anacondas. Thick and bulky, they are found in sizeable numbers in the island's swamps, ambushing prey from the shallows and crushing it between its coils; they are also found in large caves, where their apparent immunity to invertebrate toxins protects them from the caves' other denizens. Their bulk precludes them from the attention of most predators, but if threatened the giant snake will flare a frill about its neck and strike out, biting with several rows of recurved, needle-like teeth.

Color Scheme and Regions

В этом разделе отображаются возможные цвета и регионы окрашивания на теле. Для наглядности, Титанобоа имеет белый окрас(альбинос), а его места окрашивания на теле(регионы) помечены красным цветом. Цветные квадраты, которые находятся под описанием каждого региона, являются цветами, в которые это регион будет случайным образом окрашиваться, чтобы обеспечить допустимый диапазон его естественной цветовой схемы. Наведите курсор на цвет, чтобы отобразить его имя и идентификатор.

Администраторы сервера могут использовать эту информацию о регионе в Консольных Командах "cheat SetTargetDinoColor <ColorRegion> <ID Цветов>".
Например, "cheat SetTargetDinoColor 0 6" покрасит Титанобоа "body" в фиолетовый.

Titanoboa PaintRegion0
Регион 0:
Titanoboa PaintRegion1
Регион 1:
Frill Middle Line 1
Titanoboa PaintRegion2
Регион 2:
Frill Middle Line 2
Titanoboa PaintRegion3
Регион 3:
Frill Middle Line 3
Titanoboa PaintRegion4
Регион 4:
Body Accent and Inner Frill
Titanoboa PaintRegion5
Регион 5:
Outer Frill


Special Loot

Titanoboa Venom has a chance of 30% to drop.

Base Stats and Growth

Обратите внимание, что существа будут иметь другие характеристики в Survival of the Fittest

Базовые Характеристики
Атрибут Сумма на уровне 1 Увеличение на единицу Бонус Приручения
Дикий Прирученный1 Прибавка Мульт
Здоровье Здоровье 170 +34 +5.4% 0.07
Выносливость Выносливость 150 +15 +10%
Кислород Кислород Н/Д5 Н/Д Н/Д
Еда Еда 1200 +120 +10%
Вес Вес 150 +3 +4%
Урон в Ближнем Бою Урон 302 +1.5 +1.7% 7% 17.6%
Скорость Передвижения Скорость Передвижения 100% Н/Д3 +1% 20%
Оглушение Оглушение 175 +10.5 Н/Д4 0.5

1Проценты основаны на значении характеристики в тот момент, когда существо было приручено (после прибавки эффективности укрощения)
2Здесь вместо процента показан абсолютный Базовый Урон.
3У диких Существ скороть передвижения не повышается
4Оглушение увеличивается каждый уровень у диких существ, но не может быть увеличена после приручения.
5Титанобоа не тонет.

Скорость Передвижения
Тип Передвижения Базовая Скорость Спринт Использование Выносливости
Дикий Прирученный
Ходьба 225 378 630 6
Плавание 400 Н/Д Н/Д Н/Д

Эффекты Атак
Тип Атаки Эффект Описание
Main Attack Tranquilized Tranquilized The target's Torpor Torpor will increase by 3x the damage dealt over 10 seconds. This effect stacks.

Повышения характеристик дикого существа

Введите значения дикого существа, чтобы увидеть, в какую характеристику оно ушло. Зеленые значения на существе высокого уровня очень хороши для выведения. Если вы уже приручили свое существо, вы можете попытаться восстановить статистику с помощью внешнего инструмента.[1]


Калькулятор характеристик не работает в мобильной версии, смотрите здесь альтернативы: Приложения

Обратите внимание, что после приручения существо получает бонусы на некоторые характеристики в зависимости от эффективности приручения. Это затрудняет получение уровней на прирученном существе, поэтому этот инструмент только для диких, но дает первое представление, насколько хорошо распределены характеристики.


To tame the Titanoboa you have to drop a fertile egg near it, while it is not distracted in any way (it doesn't work if the Titanoboa is aggroed to attacking something, including your character). The Titanoboa will "attack" the egg and eat it, gaining taming progress. The ancestry (e.g. the levels of the parents) of each fertilized egg will not affect the taming speed.

The best way is to drop the egg from above while riding a flying mount. But drop the egg from your own inventory, for when you drop the egg from the mount's inventory, the Titanoboa will ignore it.

All eggs have to be fertilized, non-fertilized eggs will not work. The eggs in the following tables are representing all egg-types of their group. The other eggs belonging to the same group are listed below the tables. All eggs in a group have the same taming-effects. Once the Titanoboa is tamed, it will only eat eggs as a source of food(similar to the Achatina with vegetable cakes), the eggs do not need to be fertilized.

Titanoboa Уровень 1 Интервал Время
Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg 3 11:15 0:22:31
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg 4 08:20 0:25:01
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg 4 06:40 0:20:01
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg 6 04:07 0:20:38
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg 8 03:13 0:22:31
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg 10 02:25 0:21:53
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg 11 02:03 0:20:38
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg 13 01:41 0:20:19
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg 16 01:20 0:20:01
Titanoboa Уровень 30 Интервал Время
Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg 7 08:45 0:52:31
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg 8 07:08 0:50:01
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg 10 05:33 0:50:01
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg 14 03:42 0:48:08
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg 17 02:59 0:47:49
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg 21 02:17 0:45:57
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg 25 01:57 0:46:53
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg 30 01:37 0:46:53
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg 37 01:17 0:46:16
Titanoboa Уровень 60 Интервал Время
Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg 10 08:20 1:15:01
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg 12 06:49 1:15:01
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg 15 05:21 1:15:01
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg 21 03:36 1:12:12
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg 26 02:55 1:13:08
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg 33 02:15 1:12:12
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg 39 01:55 1:13:08
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg 46 01:35 1:11:53
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg 58 01:16 1:12:31
Titanoboa Уровень 90 Интервал Время
Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg 14 08:04 1:45:01
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg 16 06:40 1:40:01
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg 20 05:15 1:40:01
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg 29 03:33 1:39:42
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg 35 02:53 1:38:27
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg 45 02:14 1:38:27
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg 53 01:54 1:39:23
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg 63 01:35 1:38:27
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg 79 01:15 1:38:46
Titanoboa Уровень 120 Интервал Время
Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg 17 07:58 2:07:31
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg 20 06:34 2:05:01
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg 25 05:12 2:05:01
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg 37 03:32 2:07:12
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg 45 02:52 2:06:34
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg 57 02:13 2:04:42
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg 67 01:54 2:05:38
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg 80 01:34 2:05:01
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg 100 01:15 2:05:01
Titanoboa Уровень 150 Интервал Время
Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg 21 07:52 2:37:31
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg 25 06:30 2:36:16
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg 31 05:10 2:35:01
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg 44 03:31 2:31:16
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg 54 02:51 2:31:53
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg 69 02:13 2:30:57
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg 81 01:53 2:31:53
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg 97 01:34 2:31:34
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg 121 01:15 2:31:16

Обратите внимание, что значения указаны для оптимальных случаев, всегда приносите с собой еду для приручения с запасом!
Чтобы подсчитать количество необходимых ресурсов в зависимости от уровня существа, попробуйте внешний калькулятор приручения.

Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg
Food: 900, Affinity: 120
  • Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg Fertilized Giganotosaurus Egg
Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg
Food: 750, Affinity: 100
  • Fertilized Bronto Egg Fertilized Bronto Egg
  • Fertilized Diplo Egg Fertilized Diplo Egg
Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg
Food: 600, Affinity: 80
  • Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg Fertilized Dimetrodon Egg
  • Fertilized Quetzal Egg Fertilized Quetzal Egg
  • Fertilized Rex Egg Fertilized Rex Egg
  • Fertilized Sarco Egg Fertilized Sarco Egg
  • Fertilized Yutyrannus Egg Fertilized Yutyrannus Egg
  • Fertilized Glowtail Egg (Aberration) Fertilized Glowtail Egg Aberration Icon
Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg
Food: 412.5, Affinity: 55
  • Fertilized Allosaurus Egg Fertilized Allosaurus Egg
  • Fertilized Argentavis Egg Fertilized Argentavis Egg
  • Fertilized Carno Egg Fertilized Carno Egg
  • Fertilized Kentro Egg Fertilized Kentro Egg
  • Fertilized Megalosaurus Egg Fertilized Megalosaurus Egg
  • Fertilized Spino Egg Fertilized Spino Egg
  • Fertilized Stego Egg Fertilized Stego Egg
  • Fertilized Therizino Egg Fertilized Therizino Egg
Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg
Food: 337.5, Affinity: 45
  • Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg Fertilized Camelsaurus Egg
  • Fertilized Pachyrhino Egg Fertilized Pachyrhino Egg
  • Fertilized Thorny Dragon Egg Fertilized Thorny Dragon Egg
  • Fertilized Trike Egg Fertilized Trike Egg
Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg
Food: 262.5, Affinity: 35
  • Fertilized Baryonyx Egg Fertilized Baryonyx Egg
  • Fertilized Ichthyornis Egg Fertilized Ichthyornis Egg
  • Fertilized Kaprosuchus Egg Fertilized Kaprosuchus Egg
  • Fertilized Megalania Egg Fertilized Megalania Egg
  • Fertilized Pachycephalosaurus Egg Fertilized Pachycephalosaurus Egg
  • Fertilized Pelagornis Egg Fertilized Pelagornis Egg
  • Fertilized Pteranodon Egg Fertilized Pteranodon Egg
  • Fertilized Raptor Egg Fertilized Raptor Egg
  • Fertilized Tapejara Egg Fertilized Tapejara Egg
  • Fertilized Terror Bird Egg Fertilized Terror Bird Egg
  • Fertilized Wyvern Egg Fertilized Wyvern Egg
  • Fertilized Featherlight Egg (Aberration) Fertilized Featherlight Egg Aberration Icon
  • Fertilized Rock Drake Egg (Aberration) Fertilized Rock Drake Egg Aberration Icon
Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg
Food: 225, Affinity: 30
  • Fertilized Oviraptor Egg Fertilized Oviraptor Egg
Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg
Food: 187.5, Affinity: 25
  • Fertilized Ankylo Egg Fertilized Ankylo Egg
  • Fertilized Dimorph Egg Fertilized Dimorph Egg
  • Fertilized Gallimimus Egg Fertilized Gallimimus Egg
  • Fertilized Iguanodon Egg Fertilized Iguanodon Egg
  • Fertilized Moschops Egg Fertilized Moschops Egg
  • Fertilized Moth Egg Fertilized Moth Egg
  • Fertilized Parasaur Egg Fertilized Parasaur Egg
  • Fertilized Vulture Egg Fertilized Vulture Egg
Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg
Food: 150, Affinity: 20
  • Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg Fertilized Archaeopteryx Egg
  • Fertilized Compy Egg Fertilized Compy Egg
  • Fertilized Dilo Egg Fertilized Dilo Egg
  • Fertilized Dodo Egg Fertilized Dodo Egg
  • Fertilized Hesperornis Egg Fertilized Hesperornis Egg
  • Fertilized Kairuku Egg Fertilized Kairuku Egg
  • Fertilized Lystro Egg Fertilized Lystro Egg
  • Fertilized Microraptor Egg Fertilized Microraptor Egg
  • Fertilized Pegomastax Egg Fertilized Pegomastax Egg
  • Fertilized Troodon Egg Fertilized Troodon Egg
  • Fertilized Turtle Egg Fertilized Turtle Egg
Video on taming a Titanoboa


This section describes how to fight against the Titanoboa.


The Titanoboa, although it deals a low amount of damage, is deadly because of its immobilizing venom. Just a single bite increases your torpor at an alarming rate. Their awkward bodies can allow them to climb impossible slopes or stick to ceilings and drop on unsuspecting survivors, so stay wary and keep your weapons equipped. They cannot breed meaning they can't receive bonus stats from being partners.


The best strategy is distance, stay back and take them down. If you're forced to be within striking distance, it's best to carry some stimulant or Stimberries with you as a combatant against its venom. It should be said that many creatures in the cave can carry Stimberries on them, while this is not ideal it can prove life-saving. Furthermore, shields can prevent further Torpor increase whilst utilising Stimberries.


Titanoboas are slow and awkward, so you're better off keeping your distance and peppering them from afar. Their large bodies ensure that shotguns are devastating in the caves or in the swamp and most mounts can ignore the torpor and trounce the Titanoboa soundly. If not too encumbered, simply walking backwards and shoving a spear or pike in their face can usually do the trick. As with most creatures, the hit box is larger than the collision box, so even if it does not make the "smacking sound", the attack still can hit. This tactic also works great for sarcos.


Their venom is extremely potent and they're capable of hiding in odd locations. Watch your corners and be ready to run or cover your allies if they are downed but not dead. It is also important to check your surroundings for more dangerous creatures such as sarcos - if you happen to get knocked out, you will be defenseless against any nearby predators.


Their large bodies are also a hindrance as they have difficulty fitting through some small gaps. Most tames, even Dimorphodon are quite capable of ignoring the torpor effect and shredding the relatively fragile Titanoboa. They lose melee soundly to an even moderately equipped survivor, providing they beat a hasty retreat before the venom proves their end.


Для информации, относящейся конкретно к реальному миру Титанобоа, см. соответствующую статью на Wikipedia

  • They tend to stay next to the bats or scorpions depending on the cave.
  • Despite being common in caves and swamps, they drop prime meat often. However, the prime meat usually spoils before you get out.
  • The real Carbonemys and Titanoboa were contemporaries. They both lived in the jungle rivers of what is now Colombia 60 million years ago.
  • On the Xbox One, the kill feed misspells Titanoboa as "Titanboa".
  • Information shown on the Spyglass also misspells Titanoboa as "Titanboa."
  • The real Titanoboa was not venomous, instead using its massive coils to crush prey. They did not have frills either, much like the Dilophosaur.
  • Titanoboas have the somewhat unique ability to slither over 1 (possibly 2 depending on the terrain) high walls. This is most likely not a bug, but rather a side effect of them being able to climb up and over the very uneven terrain inside caves which before patch 216.0 was the only place they could be found. Without this ability Titanoboas would quite easily become trapped on the uneven terrain due to their elongated dimensions. Keep this ability in mind if you are building a base near the swamp biome, and consider adding a Wooden Catwalk "lip" to the edge of your walls to stop them from paying an unexpected visit.
  • It is possible to knock out Titanoboa, but you can't tame it if they are knocked out.
  • Like the Arthropluera the Titanoboa can breathe underwater.
  • Even though snakes have genders and are able to breed in real life. A Titanoboa in the real world would have a gender and be able to breed. It is unknown why the Titanoboa in Ark don't have genders and don't breed, perhaps this is due to the reason that it cannot be tamed in earlier version.
  • Titanoboa don't produce feces.
  • Helena wrote in her dossier notes that she was convinced that Titanoboa could not be tamed. It doesn't mean Titanoboa isn't untameable that just means Helena hasn't learned how to tame one.
  • Helena's art in her notes show a x over a collar because she doesn't know of any to tame a Titanoboa. That means she hasn't learned about feeding it fertilized eggs yet.
  • Real Titanoboa's are carnivores and eat meat just like all snakes, however Ark's Titanoboa has adapted to only eating eggs.

